Welcome to Sandie’s Designs!

My name is Sandie and I love seashells! Learn more about my unique seashell crafts below.

Meet the Artist!

I’m Sandie, and I live in Central Pennsylvania. But my heart has always been called to the ocean. Since my grandmother gifted me my first seashell as a little girl, I’ve been fascinated with the many different forms these natural wonders can take. Every chance I get, I’m at the beach wiggling my toes in the sand, taking long waterside walks with my daughter, and scooping up seashells for my next creation.

How Does It Work?

It all starts with the magic of the ocean. More than 75% of the seashells I use in my art are hand-picked by me and my family on the Gulf Coast of Florida. We’re very careful to choose only shells that are accessible without disturbing wildlife or their habitats.

With shells in hand, I head into my workshop to carefully lay out a unique design for every piece I create. Using two-part epoxy resin, I adhere the shells to their new home whether it’s a glass lantern, picture frame, or customized item for you.

Explore My Art

From shell-covered picture frames and glass lanterns to tree decorations and jewelry holders, I create a wide variety of shell art.

Each piece of seashell art is hand crafted and one of a kind. The pictures below don’t necessarily represent our current inventory, but I will try my best to recreate pieces you love or create something entirely yours.

Where Can You Find Me?

Since my first craft show appearance at Titan Market in Bellefonte, PA, I’ve begun exploring other craft fair and vendor opportunities.

Beginning July 21st, I will be displaying and selling my craft at The Belle Mercantile in Bellefonte, PA. Stop by and check out the new items I’ve just made and all the exciting things at the Mercantile.

Shop Seashells Online

If you can’t visit me at one of my craft shows, you can always shop shells through my website. Etsy page is coming soon.

Check out what I’ve been creating!

Seashell Lanterns

My glass lanterns decorated with hand-picked seashells and perfectly placed resin are perfect for a candle or fairy lights.

Photo Frames

Memorialize your fun days at the beach with loved ones in a frame decorated with shells, sea glass, and resin.

Other Shell Creations

Tree ornaments, jewelry dishes, candles… Anything I can decorate with seashells, you’ll find on my Etsy page!

Keep in touch!

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